If the State of Grenada had to design two sporting ambassadors, two outstanding athletes who could dominate on the world stage, while being the standard bearers for hard work and discipline, we would run out of resources and ideas to fashion the perfect role models.

Whether by stroke of luck or Divine design Grenada has two exemplary citizens who must be our pride and joy for now and many generations to come.

Apart from world class performances Anderson Peters and Kirani James are the Sons, Brothers, and Friends that anyone could hope and wish for. Severe disciplinarians who have accepted the monumental challenge of representing the one hundred and ten thousand of us with immense pride and passion. What these two Gentlemen has done for Grenada is impossible to quantify. What they have done for themselves and their families is ensure generational wealth, purpose and pride for many generations to come.

So when one such hero is attacked by a bunch of savage thugs it is time for Grenada and Grenadians to declare war.

Not war that utilizes artilleries and ammunition but  war of civic duty, of pride, of patriotism, of the fervor and determination that should be ingrained in each Grenadian as a result of the revolutionary spirit of Julien Fedon, T.A Marryshow, Uriah Bulter, Eric Gairy and Maurice Bishop.

The spirit should ignite a fire in our souls to fight against the opportunists among us, the “house negroes’ who have no compunction in representing a Caucasian couple against Caribbean people after an assault in Fort Jeudy. The war should be against Grenadian ‘businessmen’ who comfortably act as agents for Trinidad business interests here in Grenada even when it appears the sole intent of our regional counterparts is to vacuum every possible dollar out of the pockets of an unsuspecting and gullible Grenadian public. Those agents should be made to feel the full wrath of a Grenadian economic war by us boycotting their cruises, mas bands on Carnival Monday and Tuesday, house parties or whatever else they undertake.

The respect for Grenadians must be front and center of any commercial undertaking. Don’t expect us to provide you with profits while you treat us with scant regard. And even world champions, it seems, are not exempt from your rude, obnoxious and pompous behavior.

Let us wage war with our wallets by refusing to support businesses that don’t support the best interests of Grenada and Grenadians.

The incident on the evening of Wednesday August 10th was a big f*** y** to Grenadians, a clear message by all involved, whether owner, captain, crew or the local agents that Grenadians mean nothing more to them than a “dollar”.

We have to wage war against hustlers, those who see us only through the hue of the currency we represent. We have to demand more of ourselves and of those who provide services especially as non-essential as entertainment.

The break after the pandemic was supposed to be a time for Grenadians to revel, congregate and celebrate through our indigenous cultural expressions. While creating valuable economic opportunities to replenish after two years of economic stagnation.

But instead we were faced with an onslaught of music and cultural expressions that stunned us and even forced the Spicemas Corporation to appeal for more local music on the road during the parade of the bands on Carnival Tuesday. And then to top it off our 24-year old living Hero, a citizen of impeccable character is assaulted and embarrassed.

As Grenadians we hold our collective breath awaiting the legal system to do its duty. We trust that justice will be served, that the magnitude of the punishments meted will be correspondent to the wounds, physical and psychological, inflicted.

We remain at war!

Dexter Mitchell